Vegetarian Recipes Wiki


This is a simple apple sauce that is perfect to add to vegetable roasts and nut roasts.

Ingredients needed[]

serves 4-6

450g (1 lb) of apples

4 tablespoons water

4 tablespoons of sugar

15g (1/2 oz) butter (Rape seed oil will probably work and is healthier but you will lose the buttery taste. I haven't tried it yet.)

sea salt


Peel and core the apples, then cut them into smallish pieces. Put the apple pieces, water, sugar and butter into a medium-sized heavy-based saucepan and cook gently, with a lid on the saucepan, until the apples are soft. Season with a little sea salt, and mash the mixture slightly with a wooden spoon, if necessary, to break up the apple.

If you prefer a smooth consistency you can sieve/liquidize.

(You can probably make this sauce with sweetener and, if you feel like it with added spices. I found a similar recipe online without sugar or butter or other added fat. I haven't tried it yet.) [1]


  1. Quick Homemade Applesauce - No Sugar Added You can probably add sweetener to this. You can read both recipes and see if you can come up with a creative sauce of your own using ideas from both.